Tommy Hartsog,
Northern Plains Regional Director

I was first introduced to yoga during a workout with P90X during my Navy active duty days.  I would continually come back to the yoga workout feeling the benefits for my stress, lower back and neck.   After my retirement at 50, I found that my very first visit in 2012 to a hot yoga studio hooked me for life.  This led me to yoga teacher training at San Diego Core Power Yoga.  Still working full time I settled for being a yoga ambassador telling everyone who would listen how beneficial yoga can be for them.  10 years later and wanting to retire from civil service I moved to Boise Idaho and found my yoga studio Authentic Yoga where I took my second 200 RYT.  I began teaching at the Air National Guard Medical Group which then expanded to the entire National Guard base.  My goal was to reach out to military personnel in my area.  After attending Mindful Resilient Yoga Teacher Training through the Veterans Yoga Project, I was recruited to be the Regional Director for the northern plain states.  It is now my mission to be that Yoga ambassador for all active military, veterans, VA caregivers and their families.  

To be present for my students, and to remind myself that I am here to guide them and provide them a safe space to explore their mind, body, and spirit.  To encourage them to feel comfortable to rest, reach past their comfort zone or whatever they need that day.   To set the example of a yogi with a balanced life.