Jessica Bugbee,
MRYTT, MRCF LF in training
E-RYT 200, RYT 500, YACEP
NY Area Manager Mid-Hudson

Jessica serves as the NY Area Manager for the mid-Hudson, a co-facilitator for the
MRYTT and a lead facilitator in training for the MRCF. Jessica’s introduction to
Veteran’s Yoga Project was during her 300h YTT in 2018, as a one-off workshop taught
by President Deb Jeanette. The culmination of Jessica’s 200h and 300h YTT’s,
teachings within the USMA at West Point Yoga Club and her diverse roles within
military life led her to co-Found the non-profit TRIBE with the guidance of Phoebe Miller
of nOMad, always at OM.
Since Jessica attended the MRT, she knew VYP, too, was her TRIBE. She believes
everyone desires community – which is why when we leave the military, we struggle if
we do not have it. Jessica struggled in isolation after leaving the Army as a combat
medic (Iraq/Afghanistan) – making many of the wrong decisions for herself; she was
struggling not knowing how to respond to the triggers of PTS(d), MST, domestic
violence, anxiety, substance use abuse… She proclaims it was meditation that saved
her life. She believes in military veterans helping each other; she says it’s her duty now
– to SERVE her TRIBE. “We are kindred spirits – no words need to be spoken; we
know one another, we feel one another, we see one another, we hear one another, we
breathe one another, WE ARE ONE ANOTHER.” And, she believes VYP creates a
community of acceptance: no matter where you are at – there is a space to do, be, heal,
Jessica currently is working as a veteran peer and the Wellness Director for the Hudson
Valley National Center for Veteran Reintegration, where she is empowered to use all
her skills – community, nature, movement, storytelling and the breath are her pillars.
She will be an Experienced 500h registered yoga teacher in April with plans to continue
guiding her community to seek that which is within them already, prana – the life force
energy… “there is no need to go towards the external – once you YOGA, or rather yoke
– bring together, the physical body, breath, mind and spirit – you are whole, you are