Volunteer Spotlight: Mollie Franke

Volunteer Profile: Mollie Franke, Personnel & Volunteer Coordinator Written by: Laura Diekema Mollie comes from a long line of veterans. Her grandfather, father, and Mollie herself have all served in the military, she has lived all over the United States with her family, moving almost every three years. She even lived in the Philippines! No wonder she has a passion for travel!  Mollie is a retired Lieutenant Colonel and she is married to a veteran, too. She's also a proud mom to…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Kristine Ringler

Volunteer Spotlight: Kristine Ringler Written by Abby Rosmarin Anyone who works in the helping and healing modalities can attest: sometimes the first person you have to help is yourself. Likewise, everyone past a certain age can remember where they were when 9/11 happened. For a lot of us, there is a distinct line in the sand: life before, and life after. Before 9/11, Kristine had wanted to engage in humanitarian work, but couldn’t afford to join…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Joan Phillips

Volunteer Spotlight: Joan Phillips By April Bertram "I wanted to build up the Veterans and share the importance of mindfulness, and wanted to be a part of making a difference."Joan Phillips, VYP Teacher, MRT Graduate & Regional Mental Health Clinician The Importance of Mindfulness. The Importance of Making a Difference. “What I bring when I teach is not just yoga, but how to allow the participant to accept where there at with no judgement. It is…

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