Volunteer Spotlight: Kristine Ringler

Volunteer Spotlight: Kristine Ringler Written by Abby Rosmarin Anyone who works in the helping and healing modalities can attest: sometimes the first person you have to help is yourself. Likewise, everyone past a certain age can remember where they were when 9/11 happened. For a lot of us, there is a distinct line in the sand: life before, and life after. Before 9/11, Kristine had wanted to engage in humanitarian work, but couldn’t afford to join…

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Yoga and Re-experiencing Symptoms

Yoga and Re-experiencing Symptoms Written by Caroleena Hammock Post Traumatic Stress (Disorder) (PTS(D)) is a mental disorder characterized by the DSM-5 to include an exposure to a traumatic event followed by intrusive symptoms. These symptoms may include re-experiencing the event, avoidance of reminders of the event, negative changes in thought or mood, and hyperarousal symptoms. Re-experiencing the event can include recollections of the event, recurrent dreams, flashbacks, physiological reactions when exposed to cues about the event,…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Joan Phillips

Volunteer Spotlight: Joan Phillips By April Bertram "I wanted to build up the Veterans and share the importance of mindfulness, and wanted to be a part of making a difference."Joan Phillips, VYP Teacher, MRT Graduate & Regional Mental Health Clinician The Importance of Mindfulness. The Importance of Making a Difference. “What I bring when I teach is not just yoga, but how to allow the participant to accept where there at with no judgement. It is…

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